SA Meeting Minutes
The following were noted at the meeting of the SA on Apr. 8.
SA Internal Vice President Nathan Liu announced the names of the 2013-14 standing committee chairs for the Environmental, Academics and Student Life Committees. SA External Vice President Ravi Sheth announced the names of the 2013-14 university standing committee representatives for the Parking, Admissions, Athletics, Examinations and Standings, Library, President's Lecture Series, Teaching and Undergraduate Curriculum Committees.
SA President Yoonjin Min said some students are looking into asking Housing and Dining to provide a food truck for April 27, the Saturday during finals period. Look out for an electronic straw poll in the next few days.
Rice Endowment for Sustainable Energy Technology chairs Savannah Ritter and Alex Lange discussed the future of RESET in light of the recent cut of its blanket tax funding. The proposal to renew the RESET blanket tax of $9 per student was voted down in the general election and then failed in the spring election due to lack of voter turnout. Ideas included funding RESET through existing Housing and Dining environmental grants or changing RESET to more of an advocacy group.
The SA will next meet Monday, April 15 in Farnsworth Pavilion at 9 p.m.
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