Deputy treasurer position creates leadership pipeline
While the Student Association’s decision to create the appointed position of deputy treasurer and deputy parliamentarian (see p. 1) may seem inconsequential, it raises questions about the nature of elected versus appointed positions. The treasurer is elected because students place trust in an individual who is responsible for distributing their funds. Introducing an appointed deputy position with vague responsibilities of “assisting” the treasurer dilutes the power students have in choosing who handles these important decisions.
That seniors are not permitted to hold this position indicates this position may be the first step in a pipeline to becoming treasurer. Though this may be useful for grooming competent candidates, it also reinforces hierarchies that can stifle collaborative environments and create barriers for students who may realize their passion for a particular position later than others. The latter students often end up deciding they have fallen so far behind in the existing hierarchies that they can never reach their leadership goals. The SA treasurer has an unreasonable amount of responsibilities, as we stated previously when Rice Video Productions failed to be properly reviewed. If an assistant is necessary to lessen the burden, the entire student body should make the decision of whether to create this position, appointed or elected, as part of the next general election.
Unsigned editorials represent the majority opinion of the Thresher editorial staff. All other opinion pieces represent solely the opinion of the piece’s author.
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