Rice University’s Student Newspaper — Since 1916

Thursday, February 20, 2025 — Houston, TX

Low-income resources require better advertising

By Thresher Editorial Board     3/29/17 8:00am

The Thresher believes the initiative to support low-income students through the residential college system is an important addition to the resources already in existence for low-income students (see p. 1). However, these resources cannot be effective unless students know they exist, especially since such resources are currently scattered across various departments and campus organizations.

At this point, the administration must work on improving the visibility and accessibility of these resources to low-income and first generation students. Locating these resources can be especially difficult for new students already overwhelmed from navigating other aspects of the college experience. Thus, we suggest there be a centralized website, either through the Office of Financial Aid or Student Success Initiatives, that lists and consolidates the various resources available for ease of access. In addition, explaining these resources should be more formally included within the Orientation Week programming, and a student from each residential college should be a designated point person for low-income and first generation resources to further make these resources more accessible.

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