Rice University’s Student Newspaper — Since 1916

Saturday, February 22, 2025 — Houston, TX

The State of the Pure: February 2018
Average Score: 61.46
Tests Taken: 124,952
2,719 Perfect Scores
336 "Perfect" Scores ;)
22: Seen or read pornographic material? at 85%
17: Masturbated? at 85%
5: Kissed a non-family member? at 85%
1: Held hands romantically? at 83%
6: Kissed a non-family member on the lips? at 81%
2: Been on a date? at 81%
18: Masturbated to a picture or video? at 79%
3: Been in a relationship? at 77%
44: Ingested alcohol in a non-religious context? at 76%
7: French kissed? at 73%
65: Been convicted of a felony? at 2%
100: Engaged in bestiality? at 2%
80: Joined the mile high club? at 2%
99: Committed an act of incest? at 3%
89: Attended an orgy? at 3%
96: Impregnated someone or been impregnated? at 3%
87: Had a STI? at 3%
63: Been arrested? at 4%
64: Been convicted of a crime? at 4%
97: Paid or been paid for a sexual act? at 5%