Rice University’s Student Newspaper — Since 1916

Thursday, March 13, 2025 — Houston, TX

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LGBTQIPA conversation needs to occur globally

(01/28/14 12:00am)

You might have heard that 2013 was a landmark year for gay rights. After all, the U.S. doubled the number of states with marriage equality, meaning that more than 37 percent of Americans live in areas with marriage equality. In addition, the Supreme Court struck down the federal Defense Of Marriage Act, which barred same-sex spouses from receiving federal benefits. Fifty-five senators have come out in favor of marriage equality, including three Republicans. Also, I would argue that the Human Rights Coalition's red equality symbol became the most viral Facebook campaign of all time.

An increased size means increased opportunities

(04/13/12 12:00am)

Since I came to Rice University, many students have blamed everything from the waitlist system to the alcohol probation on the increased size of the student body. Increased enrollment is the favored scapegoat of the Rice community because it is a large change to Rice that has occurred in a short period of time. We, as a whole, have not emphasized the positive changes that this increased size can bring to Rice in both the present and future. The Vision for the Second Century student body goal of 3,800 students offers the Rice community more career, international and alumni opportunities.