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(09/02/20 2:03am)
This is the first installation of Keeping up with the Sidizens, a features series that checks in with various members of the Sid Richardson College community as they navigate a semester without a physical college to call home.
(04/01/20 2:36am)
With little to no human contact, many people have struggled to adapt to self-isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Some students have taken up hobbies — new or old — to relieve stress about the coronavirus or to occupy an abundance of free time that some students now find themselves with. Here are some of the creative ways Rice students are now spending their time.
(03/04/20 5:03am)
Basmati Beats’s journey to the top hasn’t been easy — along the way, they’ve struggled to find resources on campus similar to those available to groups at other universities. But on Feb. 22, the group worked past these challenges to win the first place prize at Gathe Raho, the University of Iowa’s national South Asian a cappella competition.
(02/26/20 3:44am)
Two weeks ago, for a Thresher news story, I read a resignation letter from a former custodian at Rice who was employed for just six months. What I read made me contemplate the working conditions of the Rice staff I see on a daily basis, but it would never end up getting published due to the Rice administration.
(12/05/19 5:19am)
The percent of waste recycled at Rice has remained stagnant around 25 percent in recent years, but the Administrative Center for Sustainability and Energy Management is aiming to reach 40 percent by 2020, according to the Facilities Engineering and Planning website. However, this goal is hindered by Waste Management’s requirement to throw away recycling on campus if it is contaminated with trash.
(12/04/19 3:01am)
An explosion of vivid beats and animated dancing emerged from the Dhamaka showcase that occurred Saturday, Nov. 23. This year’s sold-out Dhamaka showcase celebrated South Asian culture with an unforgettable night of dance and vocal performances by talented Rice students at the Rice Memorial Center.
(11/06/19 5:23am)
Maternity leave benefits for faculty members are more generous than those for staff members, in accordance with maternity leave policies that have remained unchanged since at least 1993.
(10/04/19 7:00am)
Houston, the most demographically diverse city in America, is also home to one of the most diverse food scenes in the nation. In the next month alone, you can experience new and upcoming restaurants with cuisines from all around the globe. Be sure to try some of these warm meals as the weather outside cools in October.
(09/18/19 3:32am)
Handshake, a national career database for students, is replacing the online Rice Job Board and changing the hiring process for campus-wide jobs and internships. However, the work-study jobs posted on the old Job Board have yet to be transferred onto Handshake.