Rice University’s Student Newspaper — Since 1916

Thursday, January 30, 2025 — Houston, TX

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Extracurriculars, inside: How students are passing the time in social isolation

(04/01/20 2:36am)

With little to no human contact, many people have struggled to adapt to self-isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Some students have taken up hobbies — new or old — to relieve stress about the coronavirus or to occupy an abundance of free time that some students now find themselves with. Here are some of the creative ways Rice students are now spending their time.

Basmati Beats overcomes challenges to win first place at national competition

(03/04/20 5:03am)

Basmati Beats’s journey to the top hasn’t been easy — along the way, they’ve struggled to find resources on campus similar to those available to groups at other universities. But on Feb. 22, the group worked past these challenges to win the first place prize at Gathe Raho, the University of Iowa’s national South Asian a cappella competition.

Waste contamination hinders recycling at Rice

(12/05/19 5:19am)

The percent of waste recycled at Rice has remained stagnant around 25 percent in recent years, but the Administrative Center for Sustainability and Energy Management is aiming to reach 40 percent by 2020, according to the Facilities Engineering and Planning website. However, this goal is hindered by Waste Management’s requirement to throw away recycling on campus if it is contaminated with trash.