Rice University’s Student Newspaper — Since 1916

Thursday, October 17, 2024 — Houston, TX

55 items found for your search. If no results were found please broaden your search.

We shouldn’t put circumstance over assault

(02/02/16 11:23pm)

Last Thursday, I hurried to the RMC to grab my weekly Thresher, eager to read the administration’s response to the recent Jan. 23 sexual assault case. As a rape victim myself, campus sexual assault is an issue that hits close to home. When I saw the stack of newly printed papers, however, I was stunned. Instead of pertaining to sexual assault, the front page donned a giant picture of Sid Richardson College and a headline that read, “Seventh Under Scrutiny.” A pull quote from Dean Hutchinson read, “Someone was harmed violently as a result of the lack of the safety precautions that went into creating this event [the Sid Seventh party].” 

‘Speak Up’ offers victims a voice

(11/10/15 9:46pm)

Wiess College senior Vicky Comesanas boldly entered the campus conversation on sexual assault last winter when she directed “The Speak Up Project,” a series of monologues delivered by actors and written by student victims of unwanted sexual experiences. The project was so well received that an encore performance was included in the Houston Fringe Festival in September. Now, Comesanas is looking for submissions for this year’s production, leading to questions about the project’s future and how it fits into the recent discussion on campus about sexual assault.

‘Space Puppets’ land in Matchbox Gallery

(11/04/15 1:06am)

Space puppets have invaded Rice University. That’s right, for the next month, Matchbox Gallery’s latest exhibition, “Space Puppet Relay Team: Project Terra,” will feature a couple of eccentric puppets and various space and earth paraphernalia, including brightly colored samples supposedly derived from extraterrestrial soil and a handmade space capsule. 

The deafening noise of college entertainment

(09/09/15 8:24pm)

This year I made the decision to live in a one-bedroom apartment — a choice that was significant not only because it meant I would be living off campus for the first time, but also because it meant I would be living alone. Don’t feel bad for me — I made this choice willingly and happily. I have plenty of close friends, enough funds to afford Rice housing and no mental or emotional problems. I just wanted there to be a single place in my life that was quiet, private and a meaningful distance away from the neuroticism of the “Rice bubble.” 

Senior studio cultivates innovation

(09/09/15 8:22pm)

There is no classroom on campus quite like Senior Studio. The room is divided into a maze of white walls, together forming each of the students’ studio spaces. The spaces are occupied with eclectic objects and media: photographs, couches, projections, a bicycle. Voices echo throughout the room as the senior art students and their professors discuss each project.

Art and science connect at Brockman Hall

(09/01/15 4:07pm)

As of this year, physics and chemistry are not the only fields of study dominating the Brockman Hall for Physics. While the walls were once blank, new and returning students are now greeted by a scattered array of eye-catching ink medallions. The colorful orbs, which feature primarily STEM-related images, reflect a novel and striking intersection of art and science. 

The “why” of entertainment

(08/27/15 5:35pm)

If you’ve been to any leadership training seminar in the past two years, you’ve almost certainly been exposed to Simon Sinek’s minimalist TED Talk, “How good leaders inspire action.” The gist is this: Good leaders start their projects by thinking of their purpose for acting, or “why,” before they consider what they are going to do and how they are going to do it. For instance, Sinek claims Apple is successful because its purpose — challenging the status quo — precedes what it intends to make or how it intends to make them.

Hot Houston spots

(08/27/15 5:23pm)

Welcome to Houston, y’all! Whether you are from far-off places or around the block, there are plenty of new, exciting sites to see and experiences to have in America’s fourth-largest city. In fact, there are so many things to do that all of those websites and guidebooks may overwhelm you a bit. To make things a little easier for you, the Thresher has weeded through the good and the bad in order to find the real gems tucked into this awesome place. 

Confessionals give outlet for campus

(04/15/15 2:53pm)

A dear friend recently told me about a weekly New York Times column gaining widespread popularity. Bored and lonely last Tuesday night, I remembered the recommendation and decided to read through a few posts. Within minutes, I was immersed. “Modern Love” features reader-submitted essays about love, in all its forms and iterations. Though anyone can submit, the stories selected are well-written, moving and, most strikingly, deeply personal. 

BRC welcomes student exhibition

(04/15/15 2:52pm)

The Bioscience Research Collaborative is known as a facility strictly devoted to science. This spring, however, the building has experienced an infusion of art. Until May 2015, the BRC’s pop-up gallery will house “Not Born Yesterday,” an exhibition created and curated by Duncan College senior Lydia Smith. The show is especially notable because it is the first student exhibition ever displayed in the gallery.

English professor Tim Morton talks to Bjork

(03/25/15 10:33am)

The Museum of Modern Art in New York City (known to most as MoMA) is showcasing a retrospective of Bjork, a world-renowned Icelandic composer and musician, March 8-June 7. The three-story exhibit celebrates various elements of Bjork’s work over the past 20 years, using various auditory and visual mediums. Though perhaps not a complete critical success (The Atlantic’s Kriston Capps recently referred to the it as “slight on substance and nuance”), the exhibit is nonetheless impressive. In one section, visitors watch a strange, powerful music video in a dark room, which features the singer running around a volcanic cave, crying out in heartbreak. In another, attendees walk through a winding hall lined with artifacts from the artist’s career, accompanied by music and narration.

Thresher Presents: Rodeo Preview

(03/11/15 10:28am)

There’s a musty hint of hay and grease in the air. An occasional whinny may be heard in the distance. The streets are packed with more hats and pairs of cowboy boots than usual. It can all mean only one thing — it’s Houston Rodeo time in the city. Especially for Houston newcomers, Rodeo can be a bit overwhelming. Dozens of performers, food vendors and other entertainment will all vie for your hard-earned pennies and attention. While you’re sure to have a good time no matter what you do and see, the Thresher has narrowed down your options a tad to let you know which are actually the best concerts and treats being offered.