Rice University’s Student Newspaper — Since 1916

Saturday, September 14, 2024 — Houston, TX

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Mental illness awareness at Rice: My story and a hope for stigma reduction

(03/30/12 12:00am)

A friend called me up the other day asking, somewhat unexpectedly, if it was okay that he mentioned my experience with mental illness in his own session with a counselor. I agreed without thinking twice; after all, he was a close friend and I knew everything would remain in confidence.

Define your own pattern of healthy eating

(11/12/10 12:00am)

"Healthy" is a common buzzword these days. I can't count the number of times I've heard things like: "I shouldn't be eating this; it is so unhealthy," or "This frozen waffle is made with whole grains, so it must be healthy!" But what exactly is "healthy?" It seems like most of the time this word is thrown around arbitrarily without much thought as to what it actually means to live a healthy lifestyle. Too many people readily accept what others - friends, family, the media, the food industry - tell them is healthy, rather than figuring out what it means to be healthy for themselves. In my opinion, being healthy is a matter of lifestyle choices that, as a whole, suit you best and allow you to be the kind of person you want to be.