Rice University’s Student Newspaper — Since 1916

Thursday, September 19, 2024 — Houston, TX

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Endowment must be handled responsibly

(03/13/09 12:00am)

After the failings of Stanford Financial, Lehman Brothers and AIG, the current economic crisis has shown us the true importance of investing in companies that follow ethical and sustainable practices. Universities, as some of the largest shareholders in the country, have a vested interest and a huge amount of influence in making sure that companies commit to socially and environmentally responsible practices.Rice for Peace is calling on Rice University to join a growing movement of schools committed to responsible endowment management. We have created a proposal asking Rice to establish an Advisory Committee for a Responsible Endowment so we can use the university's power as a shareholder to promote social and environmental responsibility. Investments in companies that guarantee ethical practices and contribute to community development will, in both the short- and long-run, be the most beneficial to growing Rice's endowment as well as its standing in the academic and international communities.

Personal story sheds light on death penalty failings

(11/14/08 12:00am)

On March 7, 2007 Lee Greenwood watched as her son, Joseph Nichols, an African-American, was brought into the death sentence chamber after he was transported there in a manner designed to scrape away at his dignity. Joseph wrote before his execution, "They cut off all my clothes and stripped me naked. I finally got a pair of boxers but my feet were shackled together, my hands were chained and then another chain bound my feet, went up over my shoulders and bound my hands. This is how our people were brought here from the motherland, naked and chained, and this is how I will leave."