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(09/15/21 3:20am)
As the COVID-19 pandemic rages worldwide for another school year, it continues to bring about uncertainty and stress for Rice’s international student community. After facing numerous stressors such as ever-changing travel restrictions, visa problems and time zone differences, the majority of international students arrived on campus this August, according to the Office of International Students and Scholars.
(04/28/21 3:31am)
During the month of Ramadan in the Islamic calendar, Muslims fast for 30 days, eating and drinking only before sunrise and after sunset. Since the Islamic calendar is lunar-based, the month of Ramadan falls earlier every year. This year, Ramadan, which lasts from April 12 to May 12, lands in the midst of midterm season and continues through finals. The Thresher caught up with students observing Ramadan right now to find out how they’re navigating the fast during school.
(03/24/21 2:44am)
How many Rice students can say they have experienced Houston? To say they have truly stepped beyond the tree-lined dome that encapsulates Rice’s campus, and ventured beyond the bubble that keeps students shut in and the realities of Houston out? (Rice Village doesn’t count.) Rice’s Community Bridges fellows are among the students who can answer that question with a resounding yes.