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(03/08/17 3:38am)
University Court announced at the Student Association Senate meeting Monday night that the election for SA president would be extended five more days for those part-time students who did not originally receive a ballot.
(02/28/17 2:42am)
As Rice undergraduates began voting for a new Student Association president, candidates Jake Nyquist and Justin Onwenu continued ramping up their campaigning on campus and social media. Both individuals, along with former candidate Maurice Frediere, defended their platforms at a Friday night debate hosted by the Thresher. Frediere dropped out of the race on Saturday and endorsed Onwenu’s campaign.
(02/15/17 1:40am)
Coffeehouse’s petty cash was stolen from their safe the morning of Jan. 25, after a man unaffiliated with Rice University came into their unlocked back room. Security cameras enabled Coffeehouse employees to get a picture of the perpetrator and give all information to RUPD.
(01/25/17 3:09am)
Across campus, students have been experiencing partially caving ceilings, potentially scalding water and other structural problems at various residential colleges.
(01/20/17 4:28pm)
Students were forced to evacuate parts of Will Rice College’s old dormitory early Wednesday morning after parts of the fourth floor ceiling fell in and leakage occurred throughout the building during a heavy rainstorm. Housing and Dining cleared students to return to their rooms and expects repairs to be finished by the end of the week.
(11/30/16 7:25am)
A pilot Critical Thinking in Sexuality course will be offered this spring semester and plans are in place to implement a mandatory fall semester program for freshmen starting next year, Student Association President Griffin Thomas announced at the SA Senate meeting Monday night.
(11/02/16 3:30pm)
In celebration of their 20th anniversary, Rice Emergency Medical Services announced the establishment of the Rice University EMS endowment, which will benefit one outstanding graduating REMS senior pursuing further medical education, according to REMS Director Lisa Basgall.
(09/17/16 7:28am)
Former Houston Mayor Annise Parker (Jones ’78) strongly encouraged students to get involved in the political process at the Rice Democrats and Rice for Hillary’s first meeting of the year on Sept. 14. Parker, who is now the inaugural fellow at the Doerr Institute, served as mayor for six years. Throughout her speech, she spoke regarding the upcoming election and local politics.
(09/15/16 1:55am)
Don’t let the golf sweaters and that dad bod fool you — Pablo Escobar is back and has plenty to rage about in the second season of “Narcos,” released by Netflix on Sept. 2. Unfortunately, the show seems to have let itself go as much as Escobar has.