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(10/21/15 12:48am)
Rice University Student Association President Jazz Silva has proposed a mandatory sexual education class for first year students starting next year as a measure to reduce the prevalence of sexual assault on campus.
(10/07/15 1:37am)
Malcolm Gillis, the sixth president of Rice University, died of cancer on Sunday, Oct. 4. He was 74.
(09/30/15 9:31am)
Rice University’s student-run radio station, KTRU, will begin broadcasting on 96.1 FM on Friday, Oct. 2, according to a station press release. KTRU has been on 90.1 HD2, a digital format, since the sale of its previous FM frequency in 2011.
(09/25/15 7:35pm)
Rice University’s network system software will be updated in the early morning of Saturday, Sept. 26 to resolve a bug that has resulted in three Internet connection outages in the past week, according to several emails sent to faculty and staff by the Office of Information Technology.
(08/27/15 4:21pm)
Just under 34 percent of the 2,865 students admitted to Rice University in 2015 have enrolled in the class of 2019, according to Vice President for Enrollment Chris Munoz.
(08/07/15 1:12pm)
Rice University’s women’s soccer, women’s track and field and men’s track and field will be able to utilize a renovated stadium and other facilities after the completion of construction by spring 2016.
(04/23/15 11:20am)
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(04/22/15 12:30pm)
Rice Student Judicial Programs has implemented two changes to its disciplinary meetings in response to student leader concerns over transparency: Starting in December, SJP has begun recording its proceedings and often includes a second official in the meetings.
(03/25/15 9:48pm)
The Student Association is developing questions to ask the student body through the mandatory Survey of All Students, which students will complete during course registration later in the semester.
(03/25/15 9:43pm)
The Association of Rice Alumni has asked alumni not to participate in Saturday morning activities at their residential colleges during this year’s Beer Bike; instead, according to the ASA, the alumni tent will open earlier and offer expanded amenities.
(03/18/15 12:02am)
The Rice University administration announced Wednesday that former Secretary of State and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Colin Powell will deliver this year’s commencement address on May 16.
(03/14/15 11:48am)
The Rice University administration announced Friday that undergraduate tuition for the 2015-16 school year will rise to $41,560, an increase of 4.2 percent from this year’s cost of $39,880. Next year’s total cost will be $55,903. The cost of Rice’s graduate programs will also increase, keeping doctoral and undergraduate tuition equal.
(02/18/15 10:08pm)
Sid Richardson College junior Jazz Silva will serve as the next Student Association president after garnering 525 votes in the 2015 General Election, nearly twice as many as Jones College junior Sandra Blackmun’s 265 or Lovett College sophomore Aishwarya Thakur’s 257.
(02/03/15 8:08pm)
(01/28/15 9:10pm)
The Rice University EcoRep Program is preparing for the February launch of the Green Dorm Initiative 2015, its biggest annual event, with hopes of educating Rice students about environmentally sustainable living through a contest designed to increase interactivity compared to past years.
(01/28/15 9:09pm)
Rice University students hoping to gain access to admissions records through a 40-year-old federal law may not find the revealing information they expect, according to Director of Admissions Dan Warner.
(01/22/15 12:02am)
George Sabra, an important figure in the opposition to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, spoke about the need for American aid in the current conflict in Syria at an event Sunday at Rice University.
(01/14/15 11:11pm)
The Blanket Tax Crack Team is currently developing legislation introducing a new “pot of gold” model for blanket tax collection and distribution, which could be adopted for future years if approved by the Rice Student Association.
(12/03/14 1:12pm)
Drew Keller
(11/18/14 9:51pm)
Course evaluations have improved on average for all academic schools at Rice University since they were first published in 2004, but the engineering and natural sciences departments still lag behind social sciences and humanities in both course and instructor