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(04/24/14 7:43pm)
The Rice Building Workshop, an organization within the Rice University School of Architecture, is constructing a pavilion in Hermann Park for the park’s centennial celebration. The pavilion is located next to the Metro Rail Hermann Park/RiceU station and is expected to be finished by April 25, according to Rice Building Workshop Fellow Peter Muessig.
(04/15/14 8:39pm)
Rice Catalyst, the Rice University undergraduate science research journal, hosted the fourth annual TEDx RiceU at Herring Hall 100 on Saturday, April 12.
(04/09/14 5:47pm)
The Student Association is looking for student feedback on upcoming changes to the language curriculum. A survey was sent out through college listservs and advertised on Facebook March 30.
(04/01/14 8:57pm)
Willy’s Pub has lowered the price for two types of beer, Bud Light and Ziegenbock, and brought back a Bud Light keg in order to bring more students to the pub, according to General Manager Chynna Foucek.
(03/18/14 9:58pm)
The Network, Telecommunication and Data Center of the IT department began conducting site surveys in residential colleges during spring break, according to Manager of Networking Jason Bothe.
(03/11/14 10:45pm)
The Art Barn is being removed from the Rice University campus, and some members of the Rice community are protesting the decision.
(01/29/14 12:00am)
Jacob Van Geffen, a senior from Seven Lakes High School, along with Daniel Kermany and Jonathan Zong, both seniors from James E. Taylor High School, won first place at HackRice, Rice University's yearly hackathon, for their project GameCalc, which Zong called a "game-ified calculator," according to the HackRice competition website.
(12/04/13 12:00am)
A team of five Rice University students was selected for the Up to Us competition and will compete against 23 teams from other universities across the nation to educate their peers about the effects of the country's federal debt, according to team leader Maggie Edmunds.
(12/04/13 12:00am)
The current five-credit-hour introductory language courses are increasing to six credit hours, according to Dean of Humanities Nicolas Shumway.
(11/19/13 12:00am)
Currently, three colleges - Sid Richardson, Hanszen and Lovett Colleges - are searching for a new set of masters, according to Dean of Undergraduates John Hutchinson.
(11/06/13 12:00am)
With an aim toward originality, the Rice University Design for America studio and the Rice Center for Engineering Leadership will project the movie Back to the Future on the "90" portion of the "45, 90, 180" sculpture at Nov. 8 at 8 p.m., according to Rice DFA co-founder Sonia Garcia.
(10/29/13 12:00am)
For the first time, BP has invited Rice University to participate in its Ultimate Field Trip competition. The competition, in its second year, has students work in teams of three to propose a solution for an energy challenge. The national winners win a trip to Alaska and Chicago, where they will tour facilities, see the BP trading floor and explore a refinery in the Chicago area, according to Rice University Campus Ambassador for BP Andy Labaw.
(09/24/13 12:00am)
The Baker Institute Student Forum hosted its inaugural undergraduate public policy conference Sept. 21 in James A. Baker III Hall where it presented awards for its first annual undergraduate public policy competition.
(09/12/13 12:00am)
The Oshman Engineering Design Kitchen held an open house Sept. 7 to celebrate the renovation of its basement, which added 6,000 square feet of usable space, according to Director of the OEDK Maria Oden.