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Saturday, September 07, 2024 — Houston, TX

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Vote yes on U-court amendment to ensure a sound judicial system

(02/08/12 12:00am)

The SA election does not simply concern elected positions; there is also an important amendment that Rice students can vote on. One of these concerns the University Court requirements for office. As the rules currently stand, a U-Court judge can also sit on a college court. This inherently creates conflict of interests if U-Court heard a case from college court on its appellate jurisdiction, especially if the student


(02/08/12 12:00am)

Last week's article entitled, "New syllabus policy sets out standards" stated that Administrative Systems was having technical difficulties with putting syllabi archives on Esther. However, according to Administrative Systems Technical Manager Robert Truscott, there are no technical difficulties with the project, but instead the beta version is developed and awaiting institutional approval to go into production. The Thresher regrets this error.

Gender-neutral housing allows students mature choices

(02/08/12 12:00am)

Until recently, the system for housing on campus had no uniform policy regarding co-ed living on campus (See story, pg. 6). Students had to appeal to their masters and parents for approval. Fortunately, the Committee of Masters and Presidents has approved a campus wide initiative to institute a uniform policy of gender-neutral housing. This policy will put the power of choice with the student population, letting them choose with whom they will be more comfortable with. While the Thresher supports this new policy, we urge students to exercise this right judicially, as with any roommate. College relationships are in no way set in stone, and choosing to room with someone you are dating could lead to disastrous results.

Thresher endorses Sanjula Jain for Student Association President

(02/08/12 12:00am)

This year's Student Association presidential debate featured a great performance by all the candidates, proving the stereotype that Rice students are engineers lacking any charisma at least partially false. However, after viewing the competitive verbal sparring, in the eyes of the Thresher editorial staff, Sanjula Jain is the clear choice for our next SA president.

New syllabus rules a step in the right direction

(02/01/12 12:00am)

A new rule has made syllabus distribution a requirement for professors on the first day of classes (See story in NEWS). Syllabi are the roadmap that professors and students follow in their journey of higher learning. Most professors do their due diligence and post their syllabi on Owlspace before their classes, but some do not. Rice University and the Student Association widely standardized this practice by mandating it across all departments. Rice plans on archiving these syllabi online.

O'Yeah Cafe encountering success where Little Willy's failed

(02/01/12 12:00am)

The new O'Yeah Cafe is diversifying food choices in the RMC (See story in NEWS). Little Willy's and the O'Yeah Cafe might have funny names, but these two restaurants tell an informative tale about how to operate a successful business on campus. Little Willy's served the same food Willy's Pub does, satisfying a nonexistent demand and subsequently floundering. Simply because a business is student-run does not make it a good one, and Little Willy's proved that Pub must make the hard, smart decisions that every business faces. It might sound harsh, but the Thresher is glad that Pub has finally cut its losses and now focuses on the primary business downstairs from their failed venture.

Solid student input needed for Hanszen College renovations

(02/01/12 12:00am)

Hanszen College could be seeing new construction begin on its building in the near term (See story in NEWS). One would expect Hanszen's "New Section" to be the nicest in the college, but this name is in fact a misnomer, as the building has stood since 1955 without major renovations or changes, making it the oldest part of Hanszen and one of the most decrepit structures on campus.

Athletics forum underscores types of improvements needed to ensure success of future Rice athletics

(01/26/12 12:00am)

Last Thursday, Jan. 19, the athletics department took a strong step in outlining its vision for the second century of Rice athletics by holding a one-and-a-half hour forum for Rice athletics' fans and supporters (see story, pg. 1). The Director of Athletics Rick Greenspan and President David Leebron discussed the merits of Rice student-athletes as well as the five pillars that Rice is choosing to erect its plan for the success of Rice athletics upon.


(01/26/12 12:00am)

In last week's issue of the Thresher, the article "RPC calls off dance after week of low ticket sales" implied that Rondelet had been canceled in three of the past four years. However, RPC did not plan to hold Rondelet in 2008 and 2009, and last year was the first time Rondelet has been canceled in several years.

Baker College junior raises funds for Baker 13 incident with help of generous Rice community

(01/18/12 12:00am)

Baker College junior Duncan Eddy has officially raised enough money to pay for the Fondren library window. Eddy's posterior was the butt of Baker 13 jokes across campus after his gluteus went crashing through a Fondren window on the Halloween run. Fortunately, the damage is behind us. However, initially the incident was no laughing matter since Eddy was told he owed the university $15,000 if he was to stay enrolled.

Rondelet cancellation a result of venue selection and subpar advertising scheme

(01/18/12 12:00am)

The Rice Program Council hosted winter formal, Rondelet, has been canceled due to an apparent lack of interest (see story, pg. 1). Upon selling a mere 20 tickets in the first week of sales, the RPC elected to terminate the event instead of risk enduring a financial loss during the event. RPC was forced to absorb losses already once this year when Esperanza failed to meet the projected sales of 1,000 tickets to cover the cost of the larger Hobby Center venue.

New RUPD chief tasked with improvement of RUPD-student relations

(01/12/12 12:00am)

Rice University has chosen Johnny Whitehead to succeed Bill Taylor as chief of Rice University Police (see story, pg. 1). Whitehead will arrive at Rice sporting an impressive resume which includes university, private sector and public government security experience. He is certainly talented and qualified for the position, and the Thresher is impressed by the positive response he has generated among those who have interacted with him.

Jones College biometric security underwhelms in practicality, overwhelms in price

(01/12/12 12:00am)

Jones College will soon be furbished with biometric fingerprint security to limit access to external and bathroom doors. While improving campus security should always be priority, this proposal fails to significantly enhance student safety for its hefty price tag of $3,000 to $5,000 per scanner. The current proposal plans to place approximately a dozen scanners in Jones, and there are plans to expand the biometric scanners to other colleges with common restrooms. The staggering expense associated with this initiative makes the implementation of biometric security around campus not only unfeasible but simply preposterous.

Removal of alcohol policy probation a testament to quality student leadership

(11/30/11 12:00am)

The alcohol policy probation has been lifted effective next semester by Dean Hutchinson after nine months of efforts by student leadership to make the university environment more conducive to safe drinking (see story, pg. 1). The probation rules varied among the residential colleges, but the greatest impact it had on the university party scene was the deprivation of punch and shots at private parties around campus. While the probation seems to have been effective in reducing the ease of binge drinking at private parties, liquor use in private quarters was still quite prevalent. In short, the probation did not seem to stop individual students from drinking heavily if he or she desired to do so; it did, however, serve as a stark wake-up call for students around campus.


(11/17/11 12:00am)

In the Homecoming photo spread in last week's issue, caption number one should have referred to the Rice Program Council. Caption number six should have acknowledged Peter Boie. Caption number seven should have included the RPC's collaboration with SpoCo for the Upright Citizens Brigade. The Thresher regrets these errors.

ESTHER waitlist needs tweaks

(11/16/11 12:00am)

Among many of its recent upgrades, the Office of the Registrar has added a waitlist feature to ESTHER's course registration (see story, pg. 1). While the waitlist restored some order to the special-registration frenzy that inevitably follows normal ESTHER registration, it was not without problems. Most notably, seniors needing a class to graduate were initially unable to special-register for a class with priority because pofessors were prohibited from signing any forms whatsoever.