Rice University’s Student Newspaper — Since 1916

Saturday, November 30, 2024 — Houston, TX


OPINION 12/9/16 7:58am

Letter to the Editor: CTIS class a measured step in the right direction

Last week, the Thresher editorial board published an editorial titled “Proposed CTIS class not a win, but a disappointment.” I find the primary criticism of the article, that omitting certain topics from the mandatory portion of the Critical Thinking in Sexuality workshop to accommodate for certain students “is simply wrong,” is short-sighted and the overall tone of the article is unconstructive. It is incredibly important to keep in mind this workshop is mandatory, something I think the editorial board is failing to do.

OPINION 11/29/16 6:51pm

Life requires no resume

We’ve all likely been through the rat race: four years of stressing over tiny percentages in the gradebook, a few points on the SAT and the summer job or internship that would look best on a college application.