Rice University’s Student Newspaper — Since 1916

Saturday, March 08, 2025 — Houston, TX

Alina Zhu

FEATURES 2/4/20 9:06pm

Future for refugees in Texas remains unclear

Saniya Gayake and Spoorthi Kamepalli have not had many lazy Saturday afternoons in the last year.  As co-presidents of Houston Empowering Refugees, the Baker College juniors travel once a week to an apartment complex in Houston’s Hillcroft neighborhood and teach lessons on health literacy to 14 refugee women from the Democratic Republic of Congo.

NEWS 11/13/19 12:28am

Latinx Muslims speak on their experiences in sociology class

The sociology class Muslims in America hosted an event inviting members of the Latinx-Muslim organization IslamInSpanish to speak about their experiences as being both Latinx and Muslim on Nov. 7. A group of students in the class, including Sid Richardson College junior Eden Desta, decided to collaborate on a project interviewing members of the organization and further understanding the lived experiences of Muslim and Latinx individuals. 

NEWS 10/31/18 12:25am

Women’s Resource Center hosts celebration of consent

The Rice Women’s Resource Center organized “I <3 Consent Week” to change the narrative of sex and consent and to hand women back their autonomy in a political climate that shut out their voices and perspectives, according to Maddy Scannell, the external advocacy coordinator for the RWRC.