Rice University’s Student Newspaper — Since 1916

Saturday, September 07, 2024 — Houston, TX

Dale Swartz

NEWS 4/17/08 7:00pm

Southern Reconstruction

A magic date is set in the minds of many students on campus, particularly underclassmen: Fall 2009. This is when major construction for current projects will conclude - including the Autry Court renovation, the new Recreation Center, the Collaborative Research Center and Duncan and McMurtry Colleges. Even with a dramatically transformed campus, the construction-free horizon is getting farther away, because a new, complex project is on the drawing board. Dean of Undergraduates Robin Forman is spearheading a $70 million, 14-month renovation that will affect Baker, Will Rice and Lovett Colleges. All students at Baker and some at Will Rice will be displaced in the academic year 2009-'10 during their colleges' renovation.

NEWS 4/10/08 7:00pm

Construction projects updated

As the academic year draws to a close, some familiar construction fences are coming down, with new ones soon to appear in other parts of campus. The Brochstein Pavilion will be completed on Thursday, April 24, south plant construction will end July 31 and construction on a new Recreation Center will begin in earnest next week. Meanwhile, the Collaborative Research Center celebrated the completion of its tenth story last month.

NEWS 3/27/08 7:00pm

Sid RA Kuster to leave in May

Last week, Sid Richardson College Resident Associate Katherine Kuster (Brown '99) announced that she will step down from her position in May. A search committee has been formed and is looking to appoint a new RA by late April.Kuster, an outreach coordinator at the Rice Gallery, is moving to Japan with her fiancé, who has been awarded a Fulbright Fellowship to pursue research on pollution in the upper atmosphere.