Rice University’s Student Newspaper — Since 1916

Saturday, October 05, 2024 — Houston, TX

Jake Nelson

NEWS 9/25/08 7:00pm

Ad campaign cheapens Rice's reputation

Who knew we have an official motto: "Rice University: Unconventional Wisdom."? The only other school I can think of with an official motto is University of Phoenix Online, and their slogan, "Thinking ahead," is not dissimilar to ours. I don't want a motto. I know of no other elite school with a motto. If Rice is unconventional, this should be evident to anyone familiar with the school. Otherwise, the slogan only serves to cheapen our reputation by suggesting a slogan is required to enhance it.Who Knew is one increasingly ubiquitous example of mottos on our campus. Rice's promotional campaign of banners and slogans which trumpets our fitness as an unconventional research university has even made its way onto our police cruisers. Who Knew is campy, but if Rice wants to announce its credentials with on-campus and online banners and slogans, phrasing them as questions is preferable to just stating them. "The prestigious Shepherd School of Music is at Rice" would be an embarrassment. So instead we have "Who knew the prestigious Shepherd School of Music was at Rice?" I worry, however, that this campaign and related efforts by Rice to create and expand its reputation has the effect of presenting Rice as insecure in its confidence.