Amid West Texas measles outbreak, Rice to host vaccination clinic
Rice will hold a clinic to give the measles, mumps and rubella vaccination March 20 in the Cambridge Office Building.
Rice will hold a clinic to give the measles, mumps and rubella vaccination March 20 in the Cambridge Office Building.
The Rice online directory was changed to be only accessible through a password protected site March 10. The directory contains names and contact information for faculty, staff, alumni and students, with the exception of students who have requested to have their information removed.
The Student Association election ballot was recalled just an hour after it went live Feb. 26 after voters found errors. At the end of the ballot, voters were presented with five different constitutional amendments, which proposed varying changes ranging from grammatical fixes to raising the Blanket Tax. The original ballot only allowed students one vote instead of five individual ones, presenting the amendments as a bundle.
The Student Association election ballot was recalled just an hour after it went live, after voters found errors in the ballot’s language. At the end of the ballot, voters were presented with five different constitutional amendments, which proposed varying changes — ranging from grammatical fixes to raising the Blanket Tax. The ballot only allowed students one vote instead of five individual ones, presenting the amendments as a bundle.
Trevor Tobey is formally unopposed for Student Association president. If the Hanszen College junior is elected, this will be his fourth year in the SA, following terms as a new student representative, a senator and, most recently, parliamentarian. This is Tobey’s second presidential campaign, after his loss to Jae Kim last year.
Rice joined 70 other universities supporting a lawsuit against the National Institutes of Health, which may reduce research funding by billions of dollars. A Feb. 7 NIH memo announced a drastic cut to indirect costs, which covers overhead for research institutions; including funding for lab spaces, water and power bills and paying subcontractors, according to testimony from Provost Amy Ditmtar.
The Student Association Senate voted to put five constitutional amendments on the spring elections ballot and rejected Rice PRIDE and Rice Apps’ requests to be blanket tax organizations. While the ballot will not be voted on until Feb. 24, the SA has nearly finalized what will be voted on by the general student body in the upcoming election.
The Student Association Constitutional Revisions Committee announced four potential constitutional amendments at a Jan. 27 Senate meeting. The amendments include correcting typos, restructuring the blanket tax allocations process, clarifying election rules and potentially reshaping the power structure of the Senate.
Rice’s cancer research and sustainability goals are hypocritical to its use of a lobbying firm associated with fossil fuel interests, according to a recent report by environmental group F-Minus.
Rice is joining the Scholars at Risk network as well as the Welcome Corps, planning to host threatened scholars and refugees seeking resettlement into the U.S.