Rice University’s Student Newspaper — Since 1916

Tuesday, March 11, 2025 — Houston, TX

Lajward Zahra

FEATURES 9/17/24 11:11pm

Baker 13 celebrates 50 years of fun and foam

This month marks the 50th anniversary of Baker 13, one of Rice’s most famous traditions. What started as a streak in the spring of 1974 has evolved into a regular event where students don nothing but shaving cream and run through campus, continuing a legacy that blends spontaneity, humor and camaraderie.

FEATURES 2/28/24 7:27pm

Melinda Spaulding Chevalier chases new storms

Melinda Spaulding Chevalier, Rice’s vice president for public affairs since August 2023, is more familiar with being the reporter than the story. Before working in communications, public affairs and higher education, she spent decades in journalism and was recognized by organizations like the Associated Press and the Emmy Awards.

FEATURES 10/24/23 11:27pm

Celebrating 50 years of Night of Decadence

While the atmosphere prior to Night of Decadence is always animated, this year’s energy is different: It will be the 50th anniversary of Rice’s arguably best known public. While event-goers look into grabbing hot pink outfits for this year’s “Cum on Barbie, let’s get NODy” theme, the Thresher will go over the history of the event.