Rice University’s Student Newspaper — Since 1916

Friday, February 21, 2025 — Houston, TX

Rachel Solnick

NEWS 1/15/09 6:00pm

New hygiene product can aid green effort

Every time I tune into the increasingly prevalent environmental news, everywhere from documentaries to commercials to blogs to newspaper headlines, I tend to feel like the sky is falling and the world is burning (or, rather, melting). It's easy to feel like there is nothing we, as mere players in such a vast system, can do to make a difference. But there is. There is the truism of "recycle, reduce, reuse," and while they are all as important as ever, the "reduce" facet deserves more attention than it normally gets. Well, maybe it is time to look into this "reduce" concept.Luckily, there is something relatively new on the horizon that most people probably don't know about yet. And you'll have to excuse me, guys, because although the environmental issue affects all of us, this column is mainly directed at women. Enter: the menstrual cup.

NEWS 3/20/08 7:00pm

Té provides variety and spice

Often neglected by college students for having less caffeine than coffee, tea is a delight well worth discovering. The taste of tea avoids the burnt and acrid tinge to which mediocre coffee falls victim, just as its culture contrasts with the routine-confining, addiction-inducing lifestyle that plagues coffee drinkers. A good cup of tea is steeped in hospitality, relaxation, and simple elegance. To be a connoisseur of tea is to be a connoisseur of life's more delicate, nuanced pleasures, which is a worldly pursuit worth cultivating. Luckily, that pursuit is only a 15-minute bike ride from Rice.