Rice University’s Student Newspaper — Since 1916

Friday, February 21, 2025 — Houston, TX

Zach Marshall

NEWS 8/28/08 7:00pm

Freshman involvement vital for campus

Look, I know we were all freshmen once, but I think it is time we be reasonable, time we be honest with ourselves, time we sit down and say, "Enough is enough - we hate the freshmen." Every year, a wave of greedy-eyed, overzealous freshmen swarm in like gold prospectors and either steal or ruin all Rice's valuable resources and perks, which are naturally meant for the use of the upperclassmen. With their sophomoric antics (no offense, sophomores) and sociopathic, type-A personalities, these freshmen annually reduce Rice to a state of martial law: Every fall, freshmen create Soviet-era queues at the bookstore, turn Autry Court into a zoo, overrun our precious sports fields, steal all the good study spots on campus, occupy every single Fondren Library computer the one time I desperately need to print out a document, get ridiculously drunk and then puke directly outside my door on Friday night . like they do every year. Not that I am bitter.Isn't the freshmen progression slightly too predictable? Each fall we witness a bunch of cocky little runts inundate the campus, flood every useful facility, ruin college aesthetics with their haughtiness, take all the KTRU bumper stickers so I can't even find the yellow letters necessary to spell "Zach is a stud," act like idiots on the weekend, slowly lose their zeal for life due to the horrors of orgo and physics classes, generally make stupid decisions and total fools of themselves and ultimately fail to rebrand themselves as something other than the pathetic geeks they were in high school. It is not until Christmas that things return to normal, i.e., when conversations are no longer routinely punctuated by a prepubescent voice behind you squeaking, "That's what SHE said!". or more accurately, not squeaking anything at all, but rather silently thinking similarly-perverted thoughts behind an awkwardly blank look. Those socially backward freshmen.